Job Searching

Job Searching

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contractorThe hunt for a job is never easy. However, taking a good approach can make things go much smoother than they otherwise would. You have to create a strategy that considers current trends and requirements. Just like everything else, job searching has evolved. Applicants must recognize this to increase their chances of success.

Your Digital Footprint is Your Resum

In the past, you would have to introduce yourself through a list of accomplishments and work experiences on a piece of paper. You can still do so today but most recruiters have already shifted their sights to search engines. They can learn a lot about applicants through the Web within minutes.

Applicants must be aware of the results that come up and make sure that these paint a positive image. There are many ways to control these such as the creation of a personal website and improving its Google ranking. Personal branding should be kept in mind throughout all online activities.

Make Social Networking Work for You

Given the ease with which hiring managers can find your profile, social networking accounts should be kept as clean as possible. Don’t post anything that can make them think twice about taking you in. If in doubt, you may keep a post private. Too many applicants have jeopardized their chances because of social media.

The profile should also be filled with endorsements, particularly on LinkedIn. Ask colleagues, superiors, and business partners to write about their experience working with you. These personal anecdotes and testimonies can impress employers. Even your Facebook account can reveal a great deal about who you are as a professional and as a person. How you interact with others will be duly noted.

Write for Online Readers

Most applications today are sent online. There are various websites where you can fill up an online form detailing your educational background and work experiences. Sometimes you may still get to send a cover letter and a resum. Be sure to write them in a way that makes them a breeze to scan on a computer screen.

They will receive plenty of applications. Yours should stand out while maintaining brevity. It should get the point across in one minute or less given their short attention span. Important information should be easy to spot. Tell them what you can offer and why you are a good fit for the organization.

Productive Gaps Can Have a Positive Spin

A large number of people were laid off during the recession. Many are competent, highly skilled individuals who simply got unlucky because of the state of the economy. Most have bounced back stronger after their ordeal. However, they may have glaring gaps in their resums.

If you are one of these, then you should not worry as hiring managers understand the situation. They are more interested in how you used your time away from work. Those who remained productive in some capacity will earn respect for their efforts. This can include going back to school to get another degree or starting their own business.

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